STEP 18 : Connect the CD Drive(s)






Assuming your CD-ROM is already installed in the case, you can now connect it to the motherboard and power supply. This same procedure will be used for installing any other drives such as tape backups and the like.

  1. Attach the power supply to the drive. Just like a hard drive, just find a free 4-wire power plug and plug it into the power connector on the CD-ROM.
  2. Attach the ribbon cable. Connect one of the two available plugs on the ribbon cable to the CD drive. Just choose the plug which can reach the drive best. If you have tow CD drives, use the plug on the end of the ribbon cable for the top most drive, and the middle plug for the next lowest CD drive. Attach the other end of the ribbon cable to the secondary IDE port on the motherboard. Like that of the hard drive, Pin 1 will be labelled on the motherboard, and align the red edge of the cable with it.
  3. Attach the Audio Cable. This small 3-wire connector goes from an “Audio” plug on the back of the CD-ROM to a 3-pin plug on the sound card. If you happen to have on-board audio circuitry on your motherboard, the CD-IN plug will be on your motherboard and you can connect this now. Otherwise, you can attach it after you install the sound card. Some CD drives have both an analogue and a digital audio out. Most of the time, people just use the standard analogue audio, but if you wish, go ahead and use the digital. Your drive should come with audio cables for both options.
  4. Double-check your work.


  1. STEP 1 : Purchase/Collect The Components
  2. STEP 2 : Remove Case Cover
  3. STEP 3 : Case Preparation
  4. STEP 4 : Configure Your Motherboard
  5. STEP 5 : Install the CPU
  6. STEP 6 : Install Heat Sink/Fan
  7. STEP 7 : Install the Cache Module
  8. STEP 8 : Install Memory
  9. STEP 9 : Install the Motherboard
  10. STEP 10 : Install the I/O Connectors & Mouse
  11. STEP 11: Hook the Motherboard to the Case
  12. STEP 12 : Install Floppy Drive
  13. STEP 13 : Configure the Hard Drive & CD-ROM
  14. STEP 14 : Mount Hard Drive
  15. STEP 15 : Install the CD-ROM(s)
  16. STEP 16 : Connect the Floppy Drive
  17. STEP 17 : Connect the Hard Drive
  18. STEP 18 : Connect the CD Drive(s)
  19. STEP 19 : Install The Video Card
  20. STEP 20 : Post-Assembly
  21. STEP 21 : Initial Boot-Up
  22. STEP 22 : Configure The BIOS
  23. STEP 23 : Test The System
  24. STEP 24 : Prepare the Hard Drive
  25. STEP 25 : Install The CD-ROM Driver
  26. STEP 26: Install The Operating System
  27. STEP 27: Tweak Your Creation

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